Ken Robinson Is Going To Check This Out!

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Speaker: Ken Robinson

Length: 20:03

  1. MUENSTER — Gregarious, convivial, never shy about joining in on the heavy lifting, soon to be much missed, and similar descriptions bandied among the several hundred Sacred Heart parishioners tucking into German sausage, fried chicken, and too many dessert options to list during a post-Mass May 26 retirement celebration for Father Ken Robinson.
  2. Check out Joe on Twitter, listen to his Go Crickets podcast and get his book “The Power of Branding: Telling Your School’s Story” Now on to day two; the Ken Robinson lunchtime keynote. Ken’s keynote, and I bet this is true for most of the people at this conference, was kind the reason we all really made this trip happen.
Ken Robinson Is Going To Check This Out!


Remarkable People interview: Sir Ken Robinson, professor emeritus of the University of Warwick and a British author who has excelled as a teacher, researcher, writer, and speaker. Robinson achieved international acclaim for his 2006 Ted Talk “Do Schools Kill Creativity,” which has been viewed by 64 million people. Sir Ken Robinson: From Special Ed To Academic Royalty. Knighted in 2003 for his service to the arts, Sir Ken Robinson, the bestselling author of The Element and Creative Schools, charted an unlikely course to find international success—he chased whatever truly interested him. December 18, 2018.

Ken Robinson Is Going To Check This Out Movie

Ken thinks that creativity is as important in education as Literacy. However, children are being taught how not to be wrong. Ken argues that being creative means that you have to be willing to be wrong, and the education system treats being wrong as the worst thing possible. In doing this, education teaches away children’s natural urge to ‘give it a go’.

All education systems globally have a ‘hierarchy’, with math and language at the top, social sciences in the middle and arts at the bottom. This is because the childhood education system was developed to satisfy the industrial revolution of the 19th century, where math and science was essential for jobs, but times have changed. While once people just needed school for a good job, then a bachelor degree, and now that alone is no guarantee for a job. Degrees have had a form of inflation over time, and this shows it is shifting too quickly. Having children go to school just to attend university is not really equipping them to work any more.

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We know 3 things about intelligence

Ken Robinson Is Going To Check This Out Crossword

  • It is diverse – we think in many ways – visually, in sound, movement, abstract
  • it is dynamic – original ideas come about from the interaction of many different ways of seeing things.
  • it is distinct – people have their way of doing things – Ken’s example is a ‘problem student’ who couldn’t sit still at school, but when moved to a dance school fit in fine – she needed to move to think. Her dance skills went on to give her immense fame and fortune, bringing value to millions of people. In modern times, she would probably have been given ADHD medication and been put told to calm down.

Ken Robinson Is Going To Check This Out Meme

We need to redefine our education system – our current way is one of ‘strip mining’ our children for the most desired properties, in the same way we mined the Earth for ore. We now need to use our imaginations and creativity wisely, to face an uncertain and problematic future. We may not see this future, but need to equip our children to conquer it.

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