Ninja Assassin Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site

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Ninja Assassin Knife Game is a role-playing killing assassins game (RPG). In this free action shooting Assassin games, you can play as Ninja Assassin in this best 3D action game. The main objective of the Ninja is to rescue hostage from jail who were kidnapped by enemies. The Ninja hunter needs to charge on enemies with sneaky attacks. Ninja Assassin subtitles. Fear not the weapon, but the hand that wields it. Ninja Assassin follows Raizo (Rain), one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. Ninja Assassin Unblocked In Ninja Assassin play as a Ninja who has to travel home to his village, killing many enemies who try to stop you. The aim is to kill the enemies and collect the diamonds to reach the end of the stage.

Apr 15th, 2019

Ninja Assassin Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site To Play


Ninja Assassin Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site Free

Ninja assassin unblockeddefinitely not a game site game
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  1. Script Made By: Absolutionism
  2. Might be OUTDATED, havent used in awhile
  3. --[[
  4. Buttons:
  5. KeypadTwo: This Spams your Power
  6. ----- You can have all 3 of these activated at the same time
  7. ----- Make sure to upgrade your Power and Speed, by going to the Training Equipment Area, = More Chakra
  8. KeypadFour: Automated Farming Noodles, Gets Noodle Quests, Buys Breakfast Ramen, Spams it
  9. KeypadFive: Automated Fishing, Gets Fishing Quests, Buys Chinsuko, Spams it
  10. ------ Do not have both of these on at the same time, will mess up the script
  11. ------ If a new beginner, you can't use these until you reach 5K Chakra for the 1st Farming Tool, 3K for Fishing Pole
  12. To turn ON, Press button once
  13. You can Definitely change the buttons, at the very bottom of the script
  14. local Exploiter = game:GetService('Players').LocalPlayer
  15. local GetHumanoid = GetCharacter.Humanoid
  16. local OtherStats = Exploiter.otherstats
  17. local Speed = OtherStats.Speed
  18. local Health = OtherStats.Health
  19. local Noodles = OtherStats.Noodles
  20. local IsNoodling =false
  21. local IsHealthing =false
  22. local IsSpeeding =false
  23. local NoodleRequirement =1300
  24. local NoodleTP =,100,-171)
  25. repeat wait()until Exploiter.Character
  26. GetHumanoid = GetCharacter.Humanoid
  27. function GetQuest(Number)
  28. local GetQuestEvent = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').GetQuest
  29. return
  30. function Anim(Tool)
  31. anime.AnimationId ='rbxassetid://522635514'
  32. local AnimTrack = GetHumanoid:LoadAnimation(anime)
  33. return
  34. function GetNumberOf(NumberValue,Requirement)
  35. local Checking =false
  36. Checking =true
  37. print('CheckingNumberOf: Done')
  38. end
  39. GetCharacter:MoveTo(Pos)
  40. end
  41. ------------
  42. function CheckNoodleBlock(Block)
  43. GetHumanoid:MoveTo(Block.Position)
  44. local FarmTool = GetCharacter['Noodle Farming Tool']
  45. local GetEvent = FarmTool['E']
  46. print('CheckingNoodleBlock: Firing')
  47. end
  48. return
  49. function BuyRamen()
  50. GetHumanoid:UnequipTools()
  51. local CheckFor = Exploiter.Backpack:FindFirstChild('Breakfast Ramen')
  52. local RecipeE = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').BuyRecipe
  53. end
  54. local GetRamen = Exploiter.Backpack:WaitForChild('Breakfast Ramen')
  55. local Count = GetRamen:WaitForChild('UsesLeft').Value
  56. while Count >0do
  57. wait()
  58. GetRE:FireServer()
  59. if IsNoodling falsethenbreakend
  60. print('BuyingRamen: Done Eating')
  61. end
  62. print('GetNoodles: Here')
  63. local NoodleBricks = game.Workspace['Noodle Farm'].Noodles
  64. local NoodleProgress = Exploiter.noodlequest.MaxProgress
  65. GetHumanoid.WalkSpeed =100
  66. local GetTool = Exploiter.Backpack['Noodle Farming Tool']
  67. wait(2)
  68. while CheckNumber falsedo
  69. wait()
  70. local RandMath =math.random(2,#AllNoodles)
  71. local CheckQuest = NoodleProgress.Value
  72. GetQuest(1)
  73. print('GetNoodles: Got Block')
  74. print('GetNoodles: Block Still There')
  75. print('GetNoodles: Returned')
  76. CheckNumber = GetNumberOf(Noodles,NoodleRequirement)
  77. if IsNoodling falsethenbreakend
  78. end
  79. StartNoodling()
  80. function StartNoodling()
  81. print('StartNoodling: Here')
  82. print('StartNoodling: Buying Ramen')
  83. else
  84. GetNoodles()
  85. end
  86. ------------
  87. function BuySeaFood()
  88. GetHumanoid:UnequipTools()
  89. local CheckFor = Exploiter.Backpack:FindFirstChild('Chinsuko')
  90. local RecipeE = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').BuyRecipe
  91. end
  92. local GetSeaFood = Exploiter.Backpack:WaitForChild('Chinsuko')
  93. local Count = GetSeaFood:WaitForChild('UsesLeft').Value
  94. while Count >0do
  95. print('BuyingSeaFood: Eating | '..tostring(Count))
  96. Count = Count -1
  97. if Count 0thenbreakend
  98. end
  99. StartFishing()
  100. function GoFish(FishTool)
  101. GetFishRE:FireServer()
  102. GetFishRE:FireServer()
  103. return
  104. function GetFishies()
  105. local FishieProgress = Exploiter.fishingquest.MaxProgress
  106. GetHumanoid.WalkSpeed =100
  107. local GetTool = Exploiter.Backpack['Fishing Pole']
  108. wait(2)
  109. GetThrow:FireServer()
  110. while CheckNumber falsedo
  111. wait(0.1)
  112. if CheckQuest 0then
  113. end
  114. print('GetFishies: Returned')
  115. print('GetFishies: x2')
  116. end
  117. StartFishing()
  118. function StartFishing()
  119. if Fish.Value >= FishRequirement then
  120. else
  121. end
  122. local GetTool = Exploiter.Backpack:FindFirstChild('Health')
  123. while IsHealthing truedo
  124. GetRE:FireServer()
  125. end
  126. ---------------------------
  127. function StartPowering()
  128. local GetTool = Exploiter.Backpack:FindFirstChild('Power')
  129. while IsPowering truedo
  130. GetRE:FireServer()
  131. end
  132. ---------------------------
  133. function StartSpeeding()
  134. local GetTool = Exploiter.Backpack:FindFirstChild('Speed')
  135. while IsSpeeding truedo
  136. GetRE:FireServer()
  137. end
  138. ---------------------------
  139. UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(Input,Processed)
  140. if IsHealthing falsethen
  141. StartHealthing()
  142. IsHealthing =false
  143. elseif Input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.KeypadTwo then
  144. IsPowering =true
  145. elseif IsPowering truethen
  146. end
  147. elseif Input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.KeypadThree then
  148. IsSpeeding =true
  149. elseif IsSpeeding truethen
  150. end
  151. elseif Input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.KeypadFour then
  152. IsNoodling =true
  153. elseif IsNoodling truethen
  154. end
  155. elseif Input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode.KeypadFive then
  156. IsFishing =true
  157. elseif IsFishing truethen
  158. end
  159. end)

Ninja Assassin Unblockeddefinitely Not A Game Site Play

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